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Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

Writer's picture: Precision Chiropractic Precision Chiropractic

It is not recommended for pregnant women to take pain killers while pregnant. So what can they do when pain strikes??! - Consult a Chiropractor!

Chiropractic Care is a safe and gentle approach to treating musculoskeletal pain while pregnant. Case studies have shown Chiropractic treatment to help improve the symptoms of:

- neck pain

- back pain

- thoracic pain

-pubic symphysis pain

- sciatica

- bursitis

- and headaches name just a few

People who seek Chiropractic care often report improvements in:

- pain (a decreased frequency, intensity and duration of that pain)

- increased range of motion

- increased muscle strength

- return to normal activities of daily living faster (e.g. being able to sit, stand, walk, drive, play with their kids for longer etc.)

Some research:

Did you know a pilot study revealed Chiropractic adjustments change how pelvic floor muscles function? Women who have been adjusted have been shown to have better control to relax their pelvic floor. It has been suggested by those researchers that the control may lead to an easier natural delivery, since relaxation of the pelvic floor is required during birth.

What's different about a consult while pregnant?

Treatment is often much gentler in the pregnant patient - mum is carrying precious cargo! All adjustments are done from a neutral position to limit twisting and torsion of the spine. We use different equipment to accommodate your new bump and keep you comfortable throughout examination and treatment.

There is a larger focus on what is happening in your pelvis when pregnant. When all other symptoms are absent, treatment focuses on ideal pelvic alignment to decrease intrauterine pressure on bub. Would you sit in the right position if you were being squished??

Is Chiropractic care safe for pregnant women?

Yes! In comparison to other treatment options and medications, Chiropractic treatment has been shown to be very safe in the healthy pregnant mum. At Precision Chiropractic Care we value informed consent. Any risks will be explained to you prior to any treatment being administered. We also value patient education and always strive to make sure our patients understand what we are treating and why.

So what are you waiting for?! Get seen today!

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